STEAM was responsible for preliminary design, supervision of works and safety coordination for new trigeneration central in Rozzano (Milan). Trigeneration plant, realized for Telecom SpA in Rozzano (Milan), is able to determine a considerable energy saving and therefore saving action for a rapid return. The project involved the introduction of the following main sections:
- Trigeneration plant suddividibile essentially of:
- Central with gas combustion engine cogeneration and alternator installed in a sound-proof containers;
- Container with electric command and control of the motor and the plant auxiliary;
- Medium voltage switchgear and transformer of medium voltage raising;
- Absorption group with cooling tower;
- Pressurization systems and expansion and water treatment;
- Sinks, emissions abatement systems in the atmosphere (SCR and oxidation catalyst), fireplace, installed at the central level of coverage;
- New network of hot water connection from trigeneration plant to existing central heating plant;
- New network of chilled water connections from trigeneration plant ring of chilled water to area CED called “Rozzano 2”;
- New network of water and drainage for food with tap water of the central and existing cooling towers;
- New natural gas supply network;
- Fire extinguishing systems;
- Control and supervision system;
- Electrical installations in service mechanical plants.
- Location: Rozzano (MI)
- Client: Telecom SpA
- Years: 2009 - 2010
- Steam activities: Preliminary design, Supervision of works, Safety coordination