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Photovoltaics is an important alternative to fuels such as oil, being a form of free and clean energy. The installation of a photovoltaic system is a solution not only technologically innovative, but also environmental and energy. With the production of electricity from renewable sources (solar photovoltaic) is the reduction of emissions of pollutants and substances harmful to health. The production of energy from renewable sources is also part of the mix of new technologies, the introduction of which helps to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and other climate-altering gases thereby reducing the greenhouse effect.

The project in question has meant the use of a soil for cultivation for the installation of a photovoltaic field of approximately 9,600 kWp for the production of clean electrical energy to be transferred to the network operator, in this case Telecom.

It was also planned construction of a power line MV 20kV underground cable, aimed from the plant’s photovoltaic, having a car delivery and a cutting cabin owned premises.