Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Datacenter, Office Networks and Operating Systems, has been designed by STEAM team to provide a high level of service continuity. It is not provided that servers have to be stopped to perform any routine infrastructure maintenance. The plant subsections can be stopped for maintenance, in turn, without compromising the function of general service.
STEAM design consists of all mechanical installations necessary for the disposal of produced and dissipated heat by the equipment and from all electrical components adopted for standard operation of Computing Center.
Plants design provide possibilities for future and any expansions and / or changes in the layout of computer equipment. The same has been done in order to allow the maintenance operations on all components, without any turning off, unless this has not been programmed.
Care was taken to ensure a certain number of components in this, that in the event of failure of one of them, another component can take over automatically and / or manually.
It was provided also the realization of a control and supervision system of electrical and mechanical plant, suitable to automate and make detachable all controls and commands of the system, making diagnostic tests and allowing plant visualization with targeted interventions.
- Location: Bolzano
- Client: Provincia di Bolzano
- Years: 2006 - 2011
- Steam activities: Sketch, preliminary, & detailed design, Supervision of works