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After setting up an international design competition, which involved 16 competitors in the first stage and 5 in the second stage, the Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo selected the winner, a group comprising the group leader S.C.A.U. s.a. of Paris and STEAM involved in co-designing technological systems, medical appliances and acoustic and environmental research.

The new hospital in Bergamo is situated in an area whose ecological and landscape value has influenced the project, expressing the idea of a ”Hospital in a Green area”, which is open plan, comfortable and modern in terms of the architecture of the building and the ground layout of the surrounding park and outdoor areas. The proposed solution was designed as a horizontal configuration, making optimal use of panoramic views of the city of Bergamo Alta and the hills. The wellbeing of patients, medical staff and all those who use the building required the hospital to have light indoor spaces, provided by aluminium curtain walls protected by sunshield systems to control the amount of sun and radiation.

The distinctive features of the project for the new hospital include the central services block, the hospitalization towers and the “hospital street”, namely the wide glass tunnels meeting at the entrance.

Reliable, flexible and safe systems are the special features that dominate the design by STEAM and enhance the three distinctive elements of the hospital.