STEAM deal with architectural, structural, electrical mechanical, communications and special systems of the New Galliera Hospital and its Technology Centre. The project incorporated, through a holistic approach, the medical- organizational and functional aspects with the urban – architectural – landscape. The new hospital will be built in a complex site of the Genoese urban context, a hilly area overlooking the sea, in a panoramic position and with good accessibility.
Criteria that informed the project are:
Light as an important feature for each space
The views towards the outside, as an element of great spatiality and patient care
Privacy as a comfort feature
Clear separation between visitor way and bedridden patients or medical staff way
Clear separation between the rest area where the patient recovers and is studied with hotel parameters (the inpatient floors) and diagnostic and surgical area, where the patient is treated and requires high technology.
The new hospital can be described as an “urban park” that partially conceals the technological blocks at the lower levels and offers itself as a “new land” to the above wards and cities. In this way, the project has an approach of openness to the city, integration and connection with the territory. The cover of the semi hypogean sanitary block treated in green, follows the orographic trend of site linking gently hospital units to units of the city.
STEAM worked with the concept of sustainability from the first draft design, so that it constitutes an intrinsic part in the project itself, through insulation elements, solar orientation, protection of the most radiation exposed facades by the use of the shading elements. The project presents some solutions that allow high accessibility and a simple plant maintenance. In particular STEAM wanted to preserve an architectural plant and a placement of plant subsystems within the structure so as to allow a simple condition, maintenance and renewal of plant networks.
- Location: Genova
- Client: E.O. Ospedali Galliera Genova
- Anno: 2010 – 2012 Sketch Design; 2015 Variation Redesign Lot 1°
- Steam role: Sketch design