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STEAM was engaged to design a new hospital at Anjouan in Comores Islands.

The principles of the design of this hospital have considered standards definitely similar to typical western structures, provided with many departments, including Nuclear Medicine.

One of the guide lines of the design has been the intention to reach the maximum possible integration between healthcare structure and territory; the hospital, once built, shall assume the role of catalyst of the territory, in order to become a reference point for the population and users. It has been though as an “open structure”, fully integrated with the social-economical environment where it’s inserted.

During the development of the design, one of the assumptions has been the fact that the concept of traditional ward-based system is changing to the concept of services provided. This means that the average periods of permanence in a hospital will be progressively decreased, to the advantage of an organization of wards based on cure intensity (low-medium-intensive care or day-hospital).

This project has been based on an architecture which shall provide the maximum organizational and functional flexibility, in consideration also that the hospital is conceptually even more often a structure subjected to rapid renovations about the diagnostics, therapy, technologic and informatics fields. All these aspects will influence the choices of the construction systems, which therefore shall allow displacement, disassembly, and addition of elements through dry-workings, producing not particularly relevant quantities of noise and dust. In the matter of the functional strategy it has been planned an accurate identification and separation of all paths, including also a careful analysis of the relations between the different functional areas. Since the beginning, the design has been also planned to keep at the same level all the departments directly related to the Emergency (ICU, Operating Theatres block, Diagnostic Imaging), in order to reduce the distances while transferring patients; to achieve this result, it has been created a dedicated corridor only for operators, which links all above mentioned departments. Concerning plants, STEAM design wanted guarantee:

  • the lowest possible environmental impact in terms of management and operations;
  • reduced maintenance;
  • highly durable and recyclable materials used;
  • high levels of noise reduction in order to provide indoor comfort.