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STEAM was commissioned by the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie to design a new building for administrative offices and for training as an extension to an existing block in an area owned by the institute.

Huge volumetric architecture was designed, with the use of transparent surfaces that maintain high thermal insulation, control of radiation and sun protection, as well as sunscreens in dynamic warm colours (red, yellow and orange).

The plant engineering criteria behind the project were intended to meet the growing needs of reliability, safety, flexibility, economies in management and comfort. Therefore, STEAM developed it all, taking into account the following plant engineering concepts:

  • the adoption of highly reliable solutions and components able to withstand emergency situations in the event of failure or out-of-order components, with service recovery times limited to manual operations of starting up appliances;
  • flexible systems in order to allow the expansion of electric control panels, providing the necessary space and power reserves;
  • system selectivity: the chosen architecture ensures that the part of the system put out of order in the event of a failure is reduced to a minimum;
  • systems safety in the event of hazards due to people or things and in terms of protection in the event of fire or other external events.