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The Calabria Region, after a careful analysis of the infrastructural, plant, logistic, structural and functional criticalities of the “Annunziata” Hospital in Cosenza has decided to launch a tender for a feasibility study. The purpose of this study was a comparative evaluation of three possible solutions related to the identification of three distinct lots within the Municipality of Cosenza. In summary, the project team was asked to evaluate the renovation and expansion of the existing structure or the possible construction of a new hospital in two areas different from the current location. The 3 areas to be analyzed were the following: Locality Muio, Locality Via degli Stadi and Locality Vaglio Lise. For each of the hypotheses analyzed, the study has expressed itself, on the sufficiency of the economic resources specified in the estimated expenditure framework, to hypothesize suitable shares of public and private co-financing in analogy to similar initiatives in the national panorama, to analyze the economic and financial sustainability of the work , in relation to the hypothesis of management of non-health services to be used as a basis for tenders and any additional public fees. Analyzes were also carried out on the three areas regarding their urban location as well as on the landscape constraints due to the presence of waterways. With regard to this point, for the area of ​​Mariano Santo (Località Muio) it is partially constrained from the landscape point of view due to the presence of the Busento river, for the Vaglio Lise area due to the presence of the Crati river, for Via degli Stadi from the stream Campagnano.