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The experience of Steam serving hospitals in Africa

eka 1 1 Eka Kotebe 1 1IMG 20200818 095627 1

An important and prestigious support request arrived last August in STEAM. The WHO (World Health Organization) has requested the IFHE (International Federation of Healthcare Engineering) to designate an Italian team as a project team for a problem of wastewater leaking from the collection system of the Eka Kotebe Hospital in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) due to by the undersizing of the septic tank and the infrequent emptying of the same, accentuated by the high number of hospitalized due to COVID-19. Steam accepted, in a completely voluntary way, the challenge and in just two weeks it developed a solution to expand the septic tank, provide for the disinfection of the wastewater, infiltrate a large part of the wastewater produced in the subsoil and a lifting system powered by photovoltaic panels. to infiltrate the water even in the presence of high groundwater (during the rainy season).