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“Tecnica Ospedaliera” magazine dedicates an article to the Cà Foncello Hospital of Treviso project

The project of the Cà Foncello Hospital (construction works of the first lot underway), represents record achievements in different features.

With over 1,000 beds, it is one of the largest hospitals contracted in PPP (the SPV is led by the Australian company Lend Lease).

The project will reshape an already existing and functioning hospital, in a populated urban area but and at the same time partially affecting a protected natural area (Sile Natural Park Protected Area, partly Site of Community Importance). It is therefore a huge project on a very complex site.

STEAM teamed up since the beginning with the concessioner in order to fine tune the environmental strategy and urban planning of the project, obtaining a positive opinion on the SEA screening procedure, required in order to amend the town planning, and later obtaining the positive opinion at the end of the EIA procedure.

Cà Foncello hospital will also be the first Italian hospital to obtain LEED certification and to be entirely designed in BIM. In this field, STEAM, responsible among other things for the M&E systems, implemented effective BIM work methodologies that allow an interactive and dynamic flow of information to the different users, for example for clash detection, for the automated calculation of circuit pressure losses, or automated extraction of the data needed for LEED certification.


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